The ability of Augmented Reality (AR) to blend digital information into the physical world\nhas enhanced its vast range of applications potential. It has, thus, increased the number of\nsmartphone AR users and challenged researchers and a number of industries to try to\nunderstand and anticipate its impact on peopleâ??s perceptions, adoption intention and level\nof use. The present paper explores a specified number of underlying factors, which affect the\nbehavioral intentions of smartphone users towards applying AR in shopping malls in\nGreece. The relevant theoretical constructs are combined with information in the extant\nliterature with a view to extending the Unified Theory on Acceptance and Use of Technology\n(UTAUT) proposed by Venkatesh et al. in 2003. The research, based on data drawn from a\nsample consisting of university students, elaborates on the proposed conceptual framework\nand examines AR use in terms of Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social\nInfluence, Facilitating Conditions, Behavioral Intention, Reward and Enjoyment. It also\nexamines the framework on the basis of the demographic characteristics of the respondents.\nThe results enhance perceptions about the usersâ?? perspective of AR applications and\nprovide meaningful insights to both the academia and AR practitioners.